Also, coming soon: pictures and testimonials from Mira's List fans who got their residency info from my site. If you had a great residency in the last couple years and you got it from my site, please send me a picture or two, plus a link to your website if you have one, plus a couple sentences about WHERE it was and why it was good for you. Thanks! Send this stuff to: and please—no large jpgs over 400 or 500 kb because I have a slow connection.
Onward and upward—the following three opportunities are from the wondrous site

(ALL) The Instituto Sacatar Artist Residency in Brazil—Deadline 14 November, 2011—The Instituto Sacatar operates a residency program for creative individuals in all disciplines at its estate on the Island of Itaparica in the Bay of All Saints, across from the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
A UNESCO/Aschberg bursary to the Instituto Sacatar provides a two-month stay at the Sacatar estate on the island of Itaparica, Brazil, including:- round-trip airfare at best rates in economy class - a room with private bath - a separate studio - meals Dates of residency: 9 April - 4 June 2012 or 18 June - 13 August 2012
Origin of candidates: Born and continue to live in Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific Islands. More Information
UKS and INCA announce a new residence program. We are currently accepting applications to attend the INCA residence program in Detroit during the spring 2012. The residence program is open for Norwegian based artists, poets, scholars and curators. All residents are offered a 1 – 2 month stay including travel expenses, housing, studio, monthly stipend and a production budget.
Possible projects could include publications, community work or volunteering, exhibitions, performances, and research. In the proposal we are looking for an intended working approach and not neccesarily a detailed project description. We will evaluate the relevance of the proposal and help to provide the best working conditions and network in Detroit. It is recommended that the resident has a valid drivers license. INCA is a non-profit organization founded by Bergman/Salinas:
(STUDENTS: MUSIC & FINE ARTS) Federal Commission for Scholarships studies in Switzerland—The Swiss Government awards a range of scholarships to foreign students through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS): university scholarships (Swiss universities and Federal Institutes of Technology), arts scholarships (schools of music and fine arts) and scholarships for universities of applied sciences (UAS). These scholarships provide graduates from all fields with the opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies or research in Switzerland at a public funded university or recognised institution. (FCS) Swiss Government scholarships for university, fine arts and music schools: scholarships: Scholarships in the fields of fine arts and music are only available to advanced candidates from the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Romania, Turkey, USA.
* Candidates must hold a university degree (Bachelors/Masters) on commencement of the scholarship.
* Candidates must be able to demonstrate their academic abilities and what they aim to achieve.
* Candidates must contact the institution and/or the professor supervising their period of research. Universities may request supplementary information and/or set certain additional conditions to determine whether or not you qualify for admission.
* Candidates must be under the age of 35 (born on or after 1.1.1977).
* Candidates must be suitably proficient in the language of instruction (French, German, Italian or English). A language test is required.
* Swiss government scholarships may not be combined with other scholarships or awards.
Length and amount
Scholarships are provided for a nine-month academic year. Scholarships for postgraduate or Masters programs lasting up to 2 years (3 or 4 semesters) may be extended depending on results from the first year.
Scholarships consist of monthly payments of:
CHF 1920.- for postgraduate students
CHF 1920.- for fine arts and music students
For more info, go to:
Visit Police Fashion for daily updated images of art collection