Behind The Shades September 03, 2009
Posted by 68thandpark in Events.trackback
Sienna Miller and Anna Wintour
Jessica Joffe and Maggie Betts
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff and Rachel Roy
Spencer Morgan and Alexis Bryan Morgan
The September Issue, the long-awaited Anna Wintour documentary, was screened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The R.J. Cutler-directed film chronicles the making of Vogue’s September 2007 issue as well as the personal life of the magazine’s editor-in-chief. Perennial Vogue staples such as Jessica Joffe and Zani Gugelmann attended the grand premiere. Without doubt, Anna’s publication has helped launch and sustain the careers of most of the socialites seen on Park Avenue Peerage.
Her only daughter, Bee Shaffer, is seen in the film exploring the option of attending law school. However, upon her recent graduation from Columbia, she has instead decided upon a career in theatre production and direction. Next week, she begins an internship at the Manhattan Theatre Club.
The documentary will have a limited release in New York City this Friday and will open in Los Angeles and other North American cities on September 11.
Photographs: Chance Yeh/
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