For the Love of {Owls}- Part 2

Christmas Comes but Once a Year..... Oh my gosh....

    I am beginning to get SOOO excited about Christmas. I still have a LOT of decorating to do (unlike my friend PEGGY!), and some shopping to finish (don't you just *LOVE* the Internet???), but I am already getting so excited for the season. One of the reasons I am excited is my local Stampin' Up Demonstrator, Steph Gay, has been making my holiday season brighter by hosting Christmas card making workshops. I have made 48 hand made Christmas cards, and it isn't even December 1st!! How cool is that???? By the way, this seems like the appropriate place to state that I have NEVER done handmade cards before..... And yet with Steph directing my steps, it did not seem like such a huge undertaking!!! Thanks Steph. I truly am excited about my cards this year. I thought some of you might like a sneak peak of the various styles of cards I will be sending out this year (most were made in sets of 4s or 8s).

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For the Love of {Owls}

To Give Thanks

    This is the first Thanksgiving I won't spend at home with my family, as with the big move approaching, E & I decided traveling just didn't make sense. I will miss the rituals of our day, and most of all, I will miss being with my family, including the extended family and friends who are always part of the celebration.

    While my Thanksgiving table won't be quite this full this year, I am certainly ready to give thanks.

    I am thankful that E and I will be spending this holiday together, as last year he was on the other side of the globe for Thanksgiving. I am also thankful that we will be celebrating with one of my brothers, for whom a trip to our house was closer and easier to make.

    The past year of my life has been filled with great joy, as well as great frustration and stress. Since January, life has been a roller coaster ride, but along every dip and peak my family and friends have been there, providing support, encouragement and love. For them, as always, I am extremely thankful.

    I am also thankful for my blog as it has brought me into contact with incredible people from around the world, people with whom otherwise I may have never connected. The blogs I read inspire me with their creativity and talent, as I mentioned on Monday, yet the thoughtfulness and warmth of many of the people behind those blogs inspires me even more.

    Last, but certainly not least, I am extremely thankful for you, the readers of my blog. Whether you are a frequent commenter or someone who hasn't yet spoken up, I am so thankful you make the time to come here and read my words.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating. May your day be filled with love and, of course, lots of delicious food!Source URL:
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Moments {of Laughter} Part 2

The Photographic Dictionary

It's Time to BE Thankful!!

    I love Thanksgiving week! Honestly, it has such significance for me. As a child, Thankgiving meant time off from school, lots and lots of preparations for a big family feast with my FAVORITE cousins (and the adult family members - ha), and the beginning of Advent - a time of preparation for Christmas.

    As an adult Thanksgiving week has the added significance of being my wedding anniversary. My dh and I were married my senior year in college - we were married the weekend before Thanksgiving (so that I had time off for the honeymoon). This year, my anniversary was Sunday. It was nice for it NOT to fall on Wednesday or Thursday - dh, our younger son, and I had a nice, though busy, day.

    Where is all of this going? When Regina challenged the BBtB design team to use the SYI turkey in a cut, I decided to have fun with him. I created placecards for Thanksgiving dinner! My table is going to look so nice with Mr. Turkey gracing each place setting - even if he did get a gun to defend himself!! Thanks Regina, this was a fun challenge!!
    A close up of that cute little Turkey-guy:
    The place setting look:
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I'm It...

    Tina, whose blog Luphia Loves I adore, tagged me last week to share six quirky, yet boring facts about myself. I always enjoy learning more about people through these, so, of course, I agreed to play along.

    The Quirky, Boring Facts-
    1.) I have a problem touching dry cotton balls. Not cotton pads or Q-tips. Not sure if this extends to cotton blooms from the bush (of which I am a fan as is evident here, here, and here.) As far as I know, it's just cotton balls. If they are wet (say with nail polish remover,) no problem. But dry? Makes me shudder just thinking about it.

    2.) The touching problem extends to certain wet blankets. Not all wet blankets bother me, but there are some that elicit the exact same reaction as dry cotton balls (yet those same blankets are fine to touch when they are dry!) Weird issues, I know!

    Some cotton I certainly wouldn't mind "touching." Stunning lucite paperweight with natural cotton pod available from Black Tulip Antiques in Denver via Bond & Bowery.

    3.) I don't like Coke (or pop... or soda... or whatever you may call a carbonated, sweet fizzy beverage) When I was younger, I told my mom I didn't like how "spritey" it was, meaning how fizzy it was, and that is the best I can come up with still.

    4.) When I was 10 years old, my two neighborhood friends and I started our own dance group, called "Primary Colors"... um, yep, because there were three of us. Quite original. We practiced in our backyards, but, as far as I remember, we never performed in front of anyone (even our parents, although, surely they witnessed our practices!)

    5.) Along the lines of dancing, I, sometimes, have dance parties by myself (and when my youngest brother and I are both home at our parents' house, we sometimes throw them together.) It always puts me in a fabulous mood (oh, endorphins!) I also find it much easier to clean when I have music blaring and can shimmy around to the beat.

    6.) I sometimes use hand-gestures when I'm describing things; these are often just random motions, although some things have designated signals such as crawfish, lobster, and catfish (these probably aren't too hard to imagine.) My husband always says, "Wait. How does that go?" and makes me repeat the motions. Then, he'll ask, "One more time?" He definitely gets a kick out of it.

    This is the part of the game where I'm suppose to tag 5 others, and I normally pass. I decided this time, however, to go for the tags. I'd love to hear these bloggers "facts," if they feel like playing along!

    Jane at Ill Seen, Ill Said
    Stephanie at Even*Cleveland
    Erin at apartment #34
    Alissa at Grace's Birdcage Wedding
    Emma at White & Wander
    Rebecca at Oh So RB

    The rules are:
    * Mention the rules on your blog.
    * Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
    * Tag six other bloggers
    * Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they are tagged.

    Also, last week, Amy of ABCD Design, gifted me with the Uber Amazing Blog Award. I was extremely flattered to receive this award from her as the invitation suite she created for her wedding provided some of the first images I saved as inspiration for my own. While our styles were different, her creativity and execution completely inspired me when I was creating my invitations.

    I am now suppose to gift this to five or more bloggers who inspire me, who make me smile and laugh, or who share amazing information. I have thought long on this, and, while it might feel like a cop out, the truth is, I really love all the blogs I read.

    All of the blogs listed in my blog roll inspire me in some way- some make me smile at their words, some make me laugh out loud, some make me gasp for the sheer beauty of what they post, and many leave me wishing for a bigger bank account! As different as they all are, each blogger inspires me in her own way.

    So, I am passing this onto all the blogs in my blogroll; if you are listed there, please know that I think the world of you for inspiring me, encouraging me, and for putting yourselves out into the world.
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Promised Pages - FINALLY

    Remember last week when I wrote of attending a swarm/crop? And remember those elusive pages I claimed to have scrapped? Yes, well, here they are... FINALLY. I finally photograhed them (when I photographed this week's BBTB challenge... check back tomorrow!!).

    This first layout is of my new "Grand-pup", Magnus. My son got a baby Puggle (Pug+Beagle=Puggle) and is just enjoying him so much. I will get to meet the new grandpup when they come home this week for Thanksgiving!!

    This is my daughter and her college house mates when they visited a pumpkin farm. I have not yet scrapped the carving of the pumpkin photos... those are FUNNY!!

    This is my younger son passing out halloween candy to the Trick or Treaters. He is dressed as a comic book character, but apparently not being the coolest mom, I cannot remember who he is!!! Big sigh.... I worried about Ian & Barack scaring away the little kids, but apparently the lust for candy out weighed the fear of the tall guy!

    These are some adorable photos of my son and his friend Kristen. I love their smiles.

    Bethany was jealous that Ian had a photo shoot with "Barack" so she had to get in on the action while home on fall break.

    So you see, I really did scrap a few pages at the swarm!!! I also made a few cards, etc.Source URL:
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