
    It's about Rodeo time around here....

    These cookies are pretty simple, only using one food coloring (Spectrum Chocolate Brown) mixed up in light and dark. The silver accents, stars and spurs, are made with silver lustre dust mixed with vodka and brushed on dried, piped white icing. Click here for more details on lustre dust.

    These look really cute bagged and tied with a red & white checked ribbon. Giddy Up!Source URL:
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Deep in the HEART of Texas

    There is just something fun about living in Texas. I didn't fully appreciate it until we moved out-of-state for a few years. While Alabama was beautiful and I'd move back in a heartbeat, I missed Texas. That's silly to miss a state, right? Texas isn't the most beautiful and I certainly could do without the humidity in the area where we live now, but I still somehow feel that Texas pride.

    I think Lyle Lovett captures Texas in music so absolute favorite is That's Right (You're Not From Texas) , but Texas wants you anyway...take a listen if you have time. What I love about Texas:

    • bluebonnets,
    • boots & jeans are acceptable attire just about anywhere,
    • the Astros,
    • my grocery store sells Texas-shaped tortilla chips and crackers,
    • driving down any country road, you are liable to get a "steering wheel wave" from every passing pick-up know what I'm talking about...the hand doesn't leave the top of the steering wheel, but the fingers go up, or you might just get a one-finger acknowledgement. No, not that finger...Texas is friendly! :)
    • particular, Chuy's
    • beef , not pork, BBQ and the Lone Star Beer to go with it.

    So, my husband left for work today with these Texas cookies for a few customers.

    1. Using a #2 or #3 tip, pipe the outline of Texas in white royal icing.

    2. Pipe a vertical line a little less than halfway across and then a horizontal line across the rest of the cookie to section off the areas of the flag.

    3. Thin blue, red and white icing to a syrup-like consistency and cover with a damp dishtowel. Let sit for several minutes. When ready to begin, stir gently with a rubber spatula and pour into a squeeze bottle. (Blue: AmeriColor Royal Blue with a drop of AmeriColor Navy, Red: Spectrum Super Red)

    4. Fill in the left half of the cookie in blue. Use a toothpick to guide into corners.

    5. Fill in top of cookie in white.

    6. Fill in bottom of cookie in red.

    7. Let dry for at least one hour.

    8. Change the tip on the un-thinned white icing to a #4. Pipe a star near the center of the blue section. If desired, lightly dampen finger and tap out any ridges in the star.

    Here are a few more Texas cookies I've made over the years:

    I love these yellow rose cookies. Someday, I need to learn the words to the "Yellow Rose of Texas".
    These cookies were for one of my sister's best friend's weddings. The bluebonnets were drawn on with food coloring markers.

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L-O-V-E: Cookie Exchange!


    We're heading off to my son's tennis class with these belated Valentine tennis cookies. I was picturing them cuter in my head :), but I think the kids will like them. I toyed with the idea of making pink racquets with red hearts and red racquets with pink know, really valentine them up...but got vetoed by the boys around here. Next time, I'll bake first, ask questions later!

    Those hearts are big heart sprinkles from Sur La Table. I just attached them with a little blob of royal icing (piping consistency) on the dried cookies.
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Happy Valentine's Day!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Here is a peek of one of the cookie designs I made for this year. I'm not sure why I've never made these hearts with dots before; they are really easy (will post instructions later.) Currently sharing a Peroni with my valentine and listening to our 9-year-old valentine play some keyboards. :)

    Happy *heart* Day!
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    Oh, Yay!!! I've been tagged by adorable Ema from Ema's Edible Experiments who has a yummy blog and her own personal lab rat! :)

    So, here are the meme rules:

    1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
    2. Share 5 facts about yourself.
    3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
    4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

    Five facts about me:

    1. I've been married for 11 years to this great guy who is a great taste-tester, cookie cutter maker (when I'm desperate) and wonderful dad. Did I mention he does the dishes? No, you can't have him! We have a 9-year-old son who is into Legos, computers, Animusic (don't get me started) and likes to run around in his underwear. :) He's pretty funny! Here we are just a few weeks ago at Epcot.

    2. I love cookbooks and cooking magazines! I can't get out of the library without scanning the cookbook aisle. Current library fines: $23.50...yep, $23!

    3. Celebrity crush....Bill Murray. How can you not love that face?!?!?

    4. Favorite movies...Grease, Love Actually, Spanglish, When Harry Met Sally and, most recently, Waitress.

    5. Favorite dessert...chocolate chip cookies! We used to go to a restaurant in Dallas, Kathleen's Art Cafe, that served a Hot Chocolate Chip Cookie in an individual baking dish, hot from the oven with a scoop of ice cream on top, heaven!

    Now I tag:

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Olive You!

    I made these cookies last year inspired by a Valentine card I bought for my husband. This same sweet husband actually made the cutter as well because I couldn't find one that was "just right."

    To make these Olive You Martinis....

    1. Outline martini glass design in white roayl icing using a #2 tip.
    2. Pipe a line across the top where the pink "drink" will end. (see picture)
    3. Thin white and pink icing to syrup-like consistency and cover with a damp dishtowel. Let sit, stir gently with a rubber spatula to pop air bubbles. (AmeriColor Deep Pink)
    4. Pour pink icing into a squeeze bottle and fill martini. Use a toothpick to spread into corners.
    5. Pour white icing into a squeeze bottle and fill in top of martini glass and bottom of stem. Use a toothpick to spread into corners.
    6. Let cookie set at least one hour.
    7. Using a #12 tip, pipe an olive/circle where the pink meets the white icing. (AmeriColor Avocado) If the olive ends up with a point on top, slightly dampen a finger and lighly tap to make more flat. (Too much water will change the color of the icing.)
    8. With a #1 tip, pipe a red heart in the center of each olive and make an arrow-shaped stir stick. (AmeriColor Super Red)

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Have a Heart